Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - July 2003


In the Spotlight July's inflation was mostly pushed up by recreation and culture services and a statutory raising of excise duties on tobacco products
International Environment Economic growth forecasts for the EU for 2003 downgraded owing to expectations of subdued investment consumption and export growth
Balance of Payments The trade deficit contributed the most to an increase in the current account deficit
Price Trends Price rises were moderate in the first six months
Monetary Policy Growth in monetary aggregates intensified in June
The Money Market - Savings Seasonal factors did not push household savings up noticeably
The Money Market - Loans Falls in lending interest rates accelerated slightly the lending activity of banks
Stock Exchange Turnover on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange is falling
Labour Market Employment is still rising due to seasonal factors; unemployment is shrinking
Earnings May's wages mainly climbed in the private sector
General Government Revenue General government revenue recorded solid growth in the first six months
Manufacturing The level of business expectations for the next 3-4 months improved
Energy Sector Light fuel oil in Slovenia more expensive than in half of all EU member states
Tourism - Residents' Travel The share of private travel to Croatia decreased in the first quarter
Selected topics
Human Development Indices The latest calculations revealed no major changes
Agriculture - CAP Reform New foundations have been laid and they will also apply to Slovenia
Commercial Companies Value added per employee climbed by 12.7% in nominal terms
Foreign Investment Enterprises Foreign investment enterprises are more integrated into their parent company's network through sales than supply, they are more integrated into the Slovenian economy through supply
Data, Main Indicators, Graphs, International Comparisons