Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - April 2004


2004 Spring Forecasts The economic growth forecast is unchanged, while the inflation forecast is lower than in autumn
In the Spotlight Current economic indicators suggest that economic recovery is moving in line with the spring forecasts
Balance of Payments Capital outflows in the form of portfolio investment are strengthening
Price Trends First-quarter inflation was half the level seen in the same period last year
Monetary Developments The BS cut interest rates by 1.0-1.75 percentage points in the first four months
The Money Market -Savings Increased investment in mutual funds
The Money Market - Loans Tolar lending to enterprises and OFO fell, foreign currency lending surged
Stock Exchange The PIX index rose by close to one-fifth in the first quarter
Labour Market February's employment and unemployment figures show the usual seasonal dynamics
Earnings A wages policy agreement for the private sector signed
General Government Revenue Substantial real rise in revenues seen in the first quarter
Energy Sector Production of hydro-electric power plants increased in the first quarter
Business Services Low value-added growth in business services continued in 2003
Selected topics
Social Protection Expenditure Appropriations for social protection expenditure rose slightly in Slovenia in 2001
Selected Regional Socio-economic Indicators The tenth Working Paper on regional issues published
Data, Main Indicators, Graphs