Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror


In the Spotlight Favourable trends in production, exports, and unemployment continued in the summer months; inflation rose further in October
International Environment IMF lowered GDP growth forecasts particularly due to the financial crisis in the USA
Price Trends & Policy Food price rises remain the main factor of accelerated inflation
Money Market - Household Savings The growth of net wages and the rising deposit interest rates boosted household savings in banks
Money Market - Loans Household borrowing rose somewhat due to seasonal factors
Stock Exchange A high year-on-year increase in shares trading in the third quarter
General Government Revenue The moderate real growth of general government revenue indicates a lower tax burden for households and the corporate sector
Labour Market Most indicators of labour market trends remain more favourable than in 2006
Earnings The wage rise in the private sector mainly linked to the August adjustment
Manufacturing Car industry contributed one third to August's increase in production
Transport Slovenian carriers perform a high volume of per capita road freight transport
Selected topics
Forestry Removal intensity increased again last year but sanitation comprised already one third of the total removal
Job Vacancy Rate The job vacancy rate in Slovenia has increased somewhat in 2007, yet it remains below the EU average
Jobs and Employment by Region The concentration of jobs in the Osrednjeslovenska region causes increased daily migration of labour from neighbouring regions
Technology Intensity - Companies in the Manufacturing Sector Within manufacturing's value added, particularly the share of medium-low-technology industries is increasing
Public Finance Flows between Slovenia and the EU Slovenia remained a net recipient of funds from the EU budget in 2006
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs