Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror


In the Spotlight Effects of international environment on export and production growth also favourable in the summer months
Balance of Payments Growth of export-import flows remains relatively strong
Price Trends & Policy Price rises of clothing and footwear were the main inflationary factor in September
Money Market - Loans Borrowing of domestic currency picked up
Money Market - Savings September's net inflows into mutual funds were the highest so far
Stock Exchange The SBI20 index continued to grow strongly in Q3
General Government Revenue Favourable real growth of general government revenue in the first nine months of the year
Labour Market This year's inflow of young school-leavers into unemployment lower than in previous years
Earnings Wages in the private sector rose mainly due to the August adjustment
Manufacturing The production of electrical and optical equipment in the first eight months contributed over a quarter to the robust total growth of manufacturing's production
Transport Within road freight transport, international transport increases at the fastest pace
Energy Sector Net electricity exports can be expected in the future only if there are surpluses in hydro-energy
Selected topics
Fishing - Catches, Production and Trade Slovenia's catches, production and net imports of aquatic animals fell in 2005; in comparison with the EU, the supply is extremely low
Continuing Education - Programmes and Participants The number of participants in continuing education rose by 30.5% from 1998 to 2004
Stability and Growth Pact Reform The reform mostly improved the quality of fiscal rules in the EU
Performance of Slovenian Companies in 2005 Most activities improved their business results in 2005
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs