Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - October 2003


In the Spotlight October's year-on-year inflation rate finally declined to below 5%
Balance of Payments The regional composition of trade and structure of end-use product groups have changed this year
Price Trends September's price movements underpinned by seasonal factors
Monetary Developments In October, the Bank of Slovenia cut its key interest rates for the fourth time this year, down 0.25 of a percentage point
Stock Exchange After falling in the first half of the year, the SBI20 index surged in the third quarter
Labour Market Unemployment and vacancy indicators suggest a rise in employment in September
Earnings August's gross wage per employee rose slightly in both the private and public sectors
General Government Revenue Real general government revenue rose year on year in the first nine months
Manufacturing Production volumes shrank in highly export-oriented industries on average
Energy Sector As before, electricity consumption rose and electricity production fell in the third quarter
Tourism German visitors' overnight stays declined year on year in the first nine months
Selected topics
Agriculture - Sample Surveys The size structure of Slovenian farms is changing favourably
Regional Unemployment Structural unemployment is an equally big problem in regions recording below-average unemployment rates
Gender Empowerment Measure Slovenia's GEM fell in 2001 for the first time in the last ten years
Research and Development Activity The structure of employed researchers in Slovenia inappropriate compared to the EU
Slovenia's External Debt Methodology for calculating external debt modified in September
Foreign Investment Enterprises Quality control is the most important area for competitiveness of FIEs in Slovenian manufacturing
Commercial Companies - Company Size The number of small companies increased in 2002 as new company size criteria began to be applied
Data, Main Indicators, Graphs, International Comparisons