Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - November 2004


In the Spotlight Year-end inflation close to expectations
Balance of Payments Robust growth of goods and services flows and net capital exports recorded in the first nine months
Competitiveness Market share grows while price and cost competitiveness fluctuate near last year's level
Price Trends Volatile prices in the past few months caused by seasonal factors and fuel price changes
Monetary Developments An increase in excess demand for foreign exchange seen in recent months
The Money Market -Savings October records the largest real drop of tolar savings this year
The Money Market - Loans Year-on-year growth of tolar loans to households continues to strengthen
Labour Market Employment rebounds to the 2001 level in September; high inflow into unemployment recorded again in October
Earnings Nominal wages stagnate in both private and public sectors in September
General Government Revenue Moderate growth (2%) of general government revenue in the first ten months
Manufacturing Business climate deteriorates in November
Selected topics
Poverty risk and income inequality Risk of poverty rate still falling
Commercial companies by kind of ownership Privately-owned companies recorded the highest returns on assets and capital in 2003
Commercial companies by origin of capital Companies with domestic capital predominated in 2003, companies with foreign capital yielded the highest returns on assets and capital
Working time Slovenia ranks fifth among the EU25 by usual hours worked per week
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs