Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - May 2004


In the Spotlight Oil prices the main factor behind May's high inflation
Robust export growth in the first quarter, positive trends in manufacturing sustained from the previous quarter
Balance of Payments Export flows rising faster than import flows in the first quarter
Competitiveness Price and cost competitiveness fell early in the year
Price Trends Strong growth in industrial producer prices mainly underpinned by higher commodity prices
Monetary Developments The BS slowed down the euro's year-on-year appreciation by about 20% in four months
The Money Market -Savings Year-on-year growth in household tolar savings at an all-time low
The Money Market - Loans Government's loan repayment caused a real fall in tolar loans
Labour Market The usual seasonal trends continue in the labour market
Earnings Accelerated growth in the private sector's gross wage typical of March
General Government Revenue Final tax assessments pushed April's revenue up
Manufacturing Production activity at a high level in the first quarter
Construction Increased construction activity underpinned by building construction
Transport and Communications Public coach transport still on a strong downturn
Forestry Low exploitation of wood resources improved slightly in 2003
Selected topics
IMD's Global Competitiveness, Slovenia in 2004 Slovenia's competitiveness is rising, the main challenge business efficiency
Maastricht Criteria -Long-term Interest Rates Only Hungary fails to meet the criterion of long-term interest rates
Business Subjects The Business Register of Slovenia recorded 0.4% less business subjects at the end of 2003
Winding up of Business Subjects Reasons for winding up include the completion of a bankruptcy or liquidation procedure, a deletion pursuant to the Financial Operations of Companies Act
Data, Main Indicators, Graphs