Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - June 2004


In the Spotlight The strong upturn in economic growth seen in the first quarter underpinned by accelerated growth in investment consumption and exports
Balance of Payments Net capital inflows bigger than the current account deficit
Price Trends Interruption in inflation's downward trend caused by higher liquid fuel prices, which also pushed inflation up in EMU countries
Monetary Developments Slovenia has entered the exchange rate mechanism (ERM) II
The Money Market -Savings May's fall in the Ljubljana Stock Exchange indexes did not hamper inflows into mutual funds
The Money Market - Loans The volume of long-term tolar loans to enterprises and other financial organisations on the decrease
Labour Market Employment growth continued, while dismissals for business reasons increased
Earnings Wages in the private sector fell in April following March's strong growth
General Government Revenue May's revenue fell after April's high final annual tax assessment
Manufacturing Value-added growth seen in the first quarter in line with expectations
Tourism More tourists stayed in Slovenia in the first few months than a year ago
Distributive Trades A slight strengthening of value-added growth at the beginning of this year
Agricultural Production in 2003 Drought reduced the crop, the value of agricultural output and value-added growth
Selected topics
Tourism - Foreign Tourists in the Summer Season A growing number of older tourists coming to Slovenia
Trade in Services - Regional Distribution Imports of services from the countries of former Yugoslavia rose fastest
Commercial Companies In 2003 net profits higher and net losses lower than in 2002
Data, Main Indicators, Graphs