Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - June 2003


In the Spotlight Despite the first quarter's low growth, the 3.1% economic growth forecast for 2003 remains achievable
Balance of Payments The first four months saw a slight current account deficit
Price Trends While the measured inflation slowed down, the core inflation still exceeded 5%
Monetary Policy The Bank of Slovenia cut its interest rates for the third time this year
The Money Market - Savings Net inflows into mutual funds are declining
The Money Market - Loans Long-term lending interest rates rose more than deposit interest rates
Labour Market Employment growth continued; the estimated number of farmers fell
Earnings Moderate wage growth continued in the first four months
General Government Revenue After April's tax assessments, general government revenue fell markedly in May
Distributive Trades Value-added growth strengthened in wholesale and retail trade in the first quarter
Manufacturing The biggest production volumes growth seen in technology-intensive industries
Selected topics
Population's Education Structure - Regional Aspect Population's education structure is improving across regions
Commercial Companies The positive financial results in 2002 were largely due to the new accounting standards
Statistical appendix, Main Indicators, Graphs, International Comparisons