Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror


In the SpotlightThe appreciable drop in unemployment in 2007 did not exert any upward pressures on wages that would result in additional inflation growth
International EnvironmentThe first IMF forecasts for this year project a greater slowdown in economic growth in the EMU and USA than expected in the autumn
Balance of PaymentsThe widening in the current account deficit in the first eleven months of 2007 largely caused by increases in the trade deficit and deficit in factor incomes
Price Trends & PolicyFood and oil prices were the main contributors to last year’s high inflation
Money Market – Household SavingsThe November drop in household bank savings linked to the privatisation of a state-owned bank
Money Market – LoansHousehold borrowing picked up considerably in November
Stock ExchangeIn 2007 the SBI20 index posted the highest growth in ten years; prospects for 2008 are less promising
General Government RevenueTax reform slowed down the real growth of general government revenue in 2007
Labour MarketEmployment growth eased off seasonally in November
EarningsA high November increase in earnings due to special year-end payments
ManufacturingLower growth of production and employment in November
TransportRoad freight transport resumed vigorous growth in the third quarter of 2007
Energy SectorNet electricity imports increased in 2007

Selected topics

Scholarships in Tertiary EducationThe number of sponsorship recipients declined from 2005 to 2006
Milk and Dairy ProductsThe large increase in the final prices of milk and dairy products may reflect the low efficiency of the Slovenian dairy industry
Disposable Income of Households and NPISH according to Non-financial Sector Accounts, 2000–2006 The average disposable income of Slovenian residents in 2006 equalled 62.2% of the average disposable income of EU residents
Human Development Index – HDIThe Slovenian HDI increased last year due to higher life expectancy and GDP per capita; Slovenia kept the 27th place among 177 countries
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs