Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - February 2004


In the Spotlight 2003 saw modest export growth, relatively high imports, roughly balanced current account, moderate wage growth, deteriorated conditions in the labour market, and increased borrowing from banks.
Balance of Payments The structure of the capital and financial account changed in 2003.
Trade in Services Transport services were a notable exception on the export side in 2003.
Price Trends Relatively moderate price rises were sustained from the last few months of 2003.
Monetary Developments The Bank of Slovenia continued to cut its interest rates in early 2004.
The Money Market -Savings The volume of assets of mutual funds first exceeded SIT 100 billion.
The Money Market - Loans The lending activity of banks strengthened in 2003.
Labour Market December's employment dropped and January's unemployment rose as a result of the seasonal termination of fixed-term employment.
Earnings December marked by '13th month's' pay and Christmas bonuses given the private sector.
General Government Revenue Revenue fell in January in line with the trend usually seen at the turn of years.
Manufacturing Strong growth in production activity seen in the last quarter of 2003.
Construction Construction activity slowed down in the last quarter of 2003.
Transport & Communications 2003 saw the biggest fall in coach passenger transport and the biggest rise in harbour freight transport.
Selected topics
Report on Economic and Social Cohesion Cohesion policy will continue to be one of the three priorities of the enlarged EU.
Public Health Services In 2002, about two-thirds of total expenditure on health appropriated for public health services provided by public health institutes.
Collective Bargaining Coverage and Extension Procedures The extension procedure of collective agreements needs to be changed in the draft Collective Agreements Act.
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