Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror


Current Economic Trends and Autumn Forecasts for 2007-2009 The 5.8% GDP growth projected for 2007 to moderate to 4.6% in 2008; inflation also expected to ease off
International Environment Financial crisis in the USA increases the uncertainty of future economic trends
Competitiveness Improvement in manufacturing's cost competitiveness underpinned by strong growth of labour productivity
Balance of Payments Higher current account deficit based on growing deficits in the trade balance and factor incomes
Trade in Services Exceptional growth of the predominantly knowledge-based group of services
Price Trends & Policy Long-term inflation indicators rose in the summer
Money Market - Household Savings Household savings in banks and mutual funds continue to increase
Money Market - Loans Year-on-year growth of loans to domestic non-banking sectors exceeded 30%
Labour Market Favourable trends in the labour market continue despite seasonal impacts
Earnings Nominal growth of gross wages largely caused by the wage rise in the public sector
Manufacturing In the second quarter particularly technologically advanced industries retained the high growth rates from the first quarter
Construction First signs of softening in construction activity in June and July
Indicators of Private Consumption and Household Indebtedness Short-term consumption indicators suggest slightly higher private consumption this year
Distributive Trades The growth of value added remained strong in the second quarter
Tourism High growth rates of overnight stays from the second quarter did not continue in the summer season
Selected topics
Regional Unemployment Regional disparities widened despite the decrease in unemployment; structural unemployment remains a problem
Slovenian Enterprises in 2006 Entrepreneurial activity rose further in 2006; construction and business services stand out in expansion
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs