Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - August-September 2003


In the Spotlight - Autumn Forecasts The economic growth forecast downgraded mainly owing to poorer conditions in the international economic environment than anticipated in spring
In the Spotlight - Current Economic Developments Gross domestic product growth was 2.1% in the second quarter, lower than projected because of modest export growth
International Environment The euro-zone is expecting just about 0.5% economic growth this year
Balance of Payments Exports of goods to Germany dropped by 4.2% in nominal terms year on year in the first seven months
Trade in Services Transport services rose fastest on both export and import sides
Competitiveness Price and cost competitiveness dropped in the second quarter, especially outside the euro currency area
Price Trends Prices changes were under the strong influence of seasonal factors in summer
Monetary Developments We were unable to publish an analysis this month because the Bank of Slovenia's data were unavailable before the Slovenian Economic Mirror went to press
The Money Market - Savings Mutual funds recorded an average monthly return of 4.9% in August
The Money Market - Loans The volume of tolar lending dropped by 0.1% in real terms in August
Labour Market The second-quarter survey unemployment rate significantly higher than a year ago
Earnings July's gross wage per employee continued to rise in line with projections
General Government Revenue Revenues recorded real growth in the first eight months despite July's moderate growth and August's fall
Manufacturing After falling for two months, the trend rate of production volumes again on a slight increase
Construction Construction's value added recorded the highest annual growth in the last three years
Distributive Trades Value-added growth continued to strengthen in the second quarter
Transport & Communications Road passenger and freight transport again dropped the most in the second quarter
Selected topics
Regional Gross Domestic Product In 2001, Central Slovenia's GDP per capita exceeded the EU-15 average by 1%
Commercial Companies - Exporters Performance of exporters was better than that of other companies in 2002
Foreign Investment Enterprises Changes brought about by foreign investors are mainly positive
Data, Main Indicators, Graphs, International Comparisons