Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror 6/2024

At the turn of the third quarter, the available economic indicators for Slovenia were mostly higher year-on-year, while month-on-month data primarily pointed to continued growth in trade. In other sectors, indicators remained largely stable compared to previous months. Goods exports and imports fell in August, although they remain higher than a year ago, mainly due to growth in trade in vehicles and pharmaceutical products. Trade in services was lower year-on-year in the first seven months, mainly due to decline in trade in transportation and other business services. In August, production volume in manufacturing remained largely unchanged from July but was higher year-on-year. Real turnover in market services increased in July, as did real turnover in trade, especially in the sales of motor vehicles and sales of food and non-food products. According to data on the value of construction work put in place, construction increased slightly in July, although it remained significantly lower than in the same month last year. After an improvement in August, economic sentiment slightly deteriorated in September, though it remains stronger than in the same period last year. The value of the confidence indicator was lower in retail trade and construction, where the year-on-year decline was the sharpest. In contrast, indicator value in other activities and among consumers were higher than a year ago. Growth in the number of persons in employment continued in July; when seasonally adjusted, the decline in the number of registered unemployed came to a halt in September; year-on-year wage growth was higher in July than in previous months. The year-on-year growth of consumer prices (0.6%) continued to moderate in September. Prices remained unchanged month-on-month on average, with the year-on-year inflation declining due to a higher base in September last year, largely influenced by the expiry of the partial exemption from the RES and CHP contribution.