Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - October 2004


In the Spotlight Autumn economic growth and inflation forecasts for 2004 revised upwards compared to spring
Balance of Payments Continued favourable trends in trade and services balances
External Debt Debt indicators deteriorate for the second year in a row
Price Trends Consumer prices in decline for the second month running
Monetary Developments Unchanged policies of the Bank of Slovenia since ERM II entry
The Money Market -Savings Deposit interest rates remain largely unchanged in October
The Money Market - Loans Increased tolar borrowing by enterprises and OFOs in September
Stock Exchange Non-residents' ownership of shares decreases
Labour Market Strong growth of employment in September
Earnings Wage rise caused by August's adjustment in the private sector
General Government Revenue Moderate real growth of general government revenue in the first nine months
Manufacturing The first eight months record high year-on-year growth of production volume
Energy Sector Electricity prices excluding tax close to EU25 averages
Selected topics
Gender Empowerment Low representation of women at all levels of political decision-making
Commercial Companies Exporters' contributions to overall company performance rise in 2003 over 2002
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs