Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror


In the Spotlight Economic activity in Slovenia shows signs of softening in the third quarter
International Environment - USA Significantly increased risks to further economic growth in the United States
International Environment - EMU Economic growth in the EMU set to moderate next year
Competitiveness Slovenia records a considerable deterioration in price competitiveness and a minor deterioration in cost competitiveness relative to other EMU countries
Balance of Payments In the third quarter export growth picked up, while import growth decelerated
Price Trends & Policy Year-on-year inflation rises amid faster growth of food and oil prices
Money Market - Household Savings Household savings in banks more than doubled in the nine months to September; inflows into mutual funds remain high
Money Market - Loans Enterprises partly replace borrowing abroad with borrowing at home
Labour Market The September increase in employment was underpinned by the business cycle and seasonal factors
Earnings September's decline in private sector earnings largely linked to the shorter working month
Manufacturing The growth of industrial production is moderating; its structure is improving
Construction As expected, construction activity slowed down in the third quarter
Energy Sector Slovenia's external trade in electricity has dropped by 15% this year
Selected topics
Fishing While marine catches declined again in 2006, fresh water breeding increased
Regional Demographic Trends The population ageing index continues to increase; the share of old people exceeds that of the young in all regions in 2007
Social Protection Expenditure In the structure of social protection expenditure, the shares of funds for old age and sickness/health care contracted in 2005
Science and Technology Students In the structure of social protection expenditure, the shares of funds for old age and sickness/health care contracted in 2005
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs