Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - November 2006


In the Spotlight Domestic and external macroeconomic trends remain favourable; the government and the BS continue to apply adopted macroeconomic policies
International Environment - EMU The pick-up in domestic demand boosted economic growth in the EMU
International Environment - USA Softening of US economic growth and inflation
Balance of Payments - Current Account Widening of deficit in factor incomes and current transfers
Balance of Payments - Capital & Financial Account Modest net capital inflow in the first three quarters of 2006
Price Trends & Policy October's deflation underpinned by external and seasonal factors
Money Market - Loans Net flows of loans to non-banking sectors exceed SIT 100 bn for the second time this year
Money Market - Savings Highest monthly return of mutual funds after January 2004
Labour Market Autumn flows in the labour market better than last year
Earnings A nominal drop in gross wages mainly observed in the private sector
Manufacturing Production continues to grow robustly
Construction Vigorous activity in Q3
Selected topics
Human Development Index Slovenia's HDI rose from 0.904 to 0.910
Cash Benefits in Slovenia's Public Expenditure Slovenian legislation provides for 70 different cash benefits
Forestry Tree removal in 2005 highest in 15 years but still a quarter below planned level
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs