Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - November 2005


In the Spotlight Eurostat's first estimate for Q3 indicates an upturn in economic growth in the EU
National Reform Programmes for the Lisbon Strategy Measures presented in member states' national reform programmes are a good start for the EU's revamped Lisbon Strategy
Competitiveness Slovenian manufacturing recorded improved price competitiveness and deteriorated cost competitiveness in Q3
Balance of Payments - Current Account The surplus in international trade was the main contributor to the surplus in current transactions generated in the first three quarters of the year
Balance of Payments - Capital and Financial Account Financial flows of the private sector strengthened appreciably in Q1-Q3
Price Trends & Policy Inflation in Slovenia 0.3 percentage points above the Maastricht criterion
Monetary Developments & Policy The Bank of Slovenia maintains the stability of the tolar's exchange rate
The Money Market -Savings A part of the assets from the second five-year NHSS released at the end of October
The Money Market - Loans Foreign currency loans account for 87.5% of net flows of loans to the non-banking sector
Labour Market September saw a high yet still seasonally usual rise in employment
Earnings Gross wages slipped slightly in both sectors in September
Manufacturing Healthy production growth in September; the business sector still shows no signs of optimism
Construction Activity slackened in Q3 yet it remains at a high level
Selected topics
Economic Structure of Taxes and Contributions in the EU Compared to the EU, Slovenia has a higher tax burden on consumption and labour and a lower tax burden on capital
Research and Development - Public Research Institutes PRI generated over one-fourth of total revenue in the market; PRI in the area of technology produced even more, 38.9%
Co-operative Societies The total value of co-operative societies' net losses rose dramatically in 2004
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs