Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - November 2003


In the Spotlight The government and the Bank of Slovenia have prepared the Programme for Entering the ERM2 and Introducing the Euro
Balance of Payments September’s current account surplus due to increased export growth
Competitiveness Price and cost competitiveness improved in the third quarter
Price Trends The rise in administered prices, with the exception of local utility prices, lagging behind the rise in freely-floating prices
Monetary Developments The BS again cut its key interest rates in November
The Money Market -Savings Long-term tolar deposits rose by 8.6% in real terms in September after increasing moderately in previous months
The Money Market - Loans The lifting of restrictions on foreign currency borrowing may push this type of borrowing up
Labour Market Relatively strong employment growth in September
Earnings The gross wage per employee rose faster in the private sector due to the longer working month
General Government Revenue Real growth in revenue was favourable in the first ten months
Manufacturing Production on the upturn, business expectations remain uncertain
Construction Construction activity also increased in the sector of individual private entrepreneurs
Transport and Communications Transport work done by passenger cars and lorries increased in 2002
Selected topics
Co-operative Societies Performance of co-operative societies improved in 2002
Public Institutes -Financial Results The health sector recorded both surplus revenues and surplus expenses
Public Institutes - Financing Close to one-third of total revenues collected from private financial sources
Slovenia’s Location Attractiveness Acc. to IMD Slovenia’s location attractiveness will have to be increased in innovation and R&D in order to promote the knowledge-based society
Social Cohesion Indicators -Income and Poverty The risk of poverty rate is declining, inequality in income distribution is staying the same
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs