Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror


In the Spotlight Continuation of strong growth in manufacturing and construction
International Environment High GDP growth in the EMU continues this year and is set to be higher than in the USA for the first time since 2001
Competitiveness Slovenia among the euro area countries that maintained price competitiveness at December's level in Q1
Price Trends & Policy Prices remain stable despite the high inflation in April
Money Market - Household Savings Investments with a higher risk increasingly popular among savers
Money Market - Loans Foreign currency loans record a high increase due to lower interest rates
Labour Market Employment still on the rise while unemployment continues to decline
Earnings The longer working month affected private sector earnings
Manufacturing Companies are increasingly facing labour shortages
Construction The high activity in Q1 underpinned by weather conditions
Selected topics
The Environmental Component of Economic Development Environmental protection is lagging behind economic development
Student Exchange - Erasmus Programme The number of Slovenian Erasmus students is rising; most of them opt for business studies
Business Entities in 2006 For the fourth consecutive year, the highest increase in the number of business entities was recorded in real estate, renting and business services
Performance of Commercial Companies and Cooperatives in 2006 Commercial companies and co-operatives recorded the highest positive difference between net profit and loss since 2002
Solvency of Business Entities The number of filed bankruptcy and liquidation procedures fell in 2006
Slovenia's World Competitiveness by the IMD 2007 The latest analysis confirms the stagnation of Slovenia's competitiveness; progress was made in economic competitiveness while the low rankings of government and business efficiency continue
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs