Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - May 2006


In the Spotlight Favourable economic trends and improvement in the labour market in the first quarter
Development Report 2006 Slovenia's development in 2000-2004 was favourable in the areas of modern welfare state and macroeconomic developments; the economy's competitiveness remains the biggest problem
Balance of Payments - Current Account The first quarter saw robust growth of trade in goods and services
Balance of Payments - Capital & Financial Account Net capital inflows rose considerably in Q1
Price Trends & Policy April's inflation entirely due to seasonal impacts and expensive oil
Labour Market Employment received a seasonal boost in March
Earnings Stronger growth of the gross wage per employee in March caused by the higher number of working days
Manufacturing Production activity surged in Q1
Construction Modest activity in the first three months of the year
Tourism Q1 saw a relatively high rise in the number of overnight stays
Selected topics
Entrepreneurial Activity and Entrepreneurial Environment in Slovenia Entrepreneurial activity in Slovenia is comparatively low
Slovenia's World Competitiveness by IMD 2006 Slovenia moves up 7 ranks in the World Competitiveness Index
Household Savings in Mutual Funds At the end of 2005, assets in Slovenian mutual funds' amounted to EUR 688.8 per capita
Commercial Companies Higher positive difference between net profit and net loss at the end of 2005
Solvency The number of insolvent legal entities rose in 2005
Regions - Demographic Structure of the Population Regional differences according to the ageing index are narrowing
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs