Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - May 2005


In the Spotlight Available data indicate a softening of the economic activity in the first quarter
Balance of Payments - Current Account Seasonally-adjusted data reveal a slowdown in export-import flows
Balance of Payments - Capital and Financial Account Financial flows of the private sector recorded a considerable increase in the first quarter
Price Trends The gradual slowdown of inflation is still paralleled by strong price volatility, which is, however, also characteristic of other EU countries
Monetary Developments Compared to the same period last year, the excess supply of foreign exchange halved in this year's first quarter
The Money Market -Savings Low inflows recorded in banks and mutual funds alike
The Money Market - Loans Foreign currency loans account for three-quarters of the total domestic banks' loans net flows
Labour Market The seasonal rise of employment and fall of unemployment continue
Manufacturing Production volumes fell in the first quarter
Construction Weaker activity in the first quarter
Distributive Trades Wholesale trade recorded higher sales once again in the final quarter of 2004
Tourism High foreign exchange receipts from tourism in 2004; growth continues in 2005
Real Estate, Renting & Business Activities Stronger growth of value added in 2004
Selected topics
Commercial Companies Higher positive difference between net profits and net losses registered in 2004
Slovenia's World Competitiveness by IMD 2005 Slovenia's competitiveness slipped to 52nd place - the main weaknesses are international investment, business environment and business efficiency
European Works Councils There are 172 multinational companies covered by the EWCs Directive operating in Slovenia
Administered Prices The contribution of administered prices to inflation has declined in the last few years
Impact of Oil Prices on Inflation Using the input-output model, we estimate that one-third of the contribution of higher oil prices to inflation is the result of indirect impacts
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs