Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - March 2008


In the SpotlightThe spring forecast for 2008 projects slowdown in economic growth and easing in inflation pressures
Gross Domestic ProductEconomic growth slowed in the final quarter of 2007, as expected, but yearly growth was still the highest since 1991
International Environment According to the latest forecasts, at least in the first half of 2008 the impact of the financial crisis will not contribute to an additional slowdown of economic growth in the EMU
Price and Cost CompetitivenessDeterioration of price and cost competitiveness in 2007
Competitiveness – Market SharesHigh growth of market shares on the markets of EU trading partners in 2007
Balance of PaymentsIn January, current account deficit increased substantially due to the deterioration of the balance of trade in goods and services
Trade in ServicesThe surplus in trade in services exceeded EUR 1 bn for the first time, also due to structural improvements
Price Trends & PolicyMeasures of core inflation show increase over the past few months
Money Market – Household SavingsMutual funds managed by domestic administrators recorded the highest net outflows to date
Money Market – LoansLending activity of banks picked up again in January
General Government Revenue, Expenditure and DeficitGeneral government deficit for 2007 estimated at 0.1% GDP, the lowest figure since 1995
Labour MarketFavourable trends on the labour market continued also at the beginning of 2008
EarningsJanuary’s wage levels lower in private and public sector
ManufacturingIndustrial production continues to slow down
Distributive TradeLast year’s growth of value added in trade the highest since 1991
TourismThe number of overnight stays exceeded 8 m for the first time after 1991
Private Consumption and Household Indebtedness Differences between real consumption growth and growth of disposable income last year higher than anticipated

Selected topics

Population’s Economic Strength by RegionsSlow decline in regional disparities in population’s economic strength
Agriculture – Purchase PricesGrowth of prices picked up last year; forecasts are mainly linked to new crops