Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - March 2007


In the Spotlight GDP growth reached 5.2% in 2006, its highest value in the present decade
International Environment - Selected Countries of Former Yugoslavia Stable economic conditions continued in 2006; prospects for GDP growth in 2007 and 2008 are favourable
Competitiveness Relatively favourable dynamics of Slovenian manufacturing's price and cost competitiveness in 2006
Price Trends & Policy Contributions of prices of services to inflation are relatively stable
Labour Market Favourable trends in the labour market continue despite seasonal swings
Earnings Following the oscillations in November and December due to the 13th month's payments, stable wage developments continued in January
Private Consumption & Household Indebtedness Consumer optimism still on the rise
Tourism Italians were again in the lead by the number of overnight stays; Austrians moved to second place ahead of the Germans
Distributive Trades Value added growth remained high in the final quarter of 2006
Selected topics
Jobless Households The share of adults living in jobless households in Slovenia is lower than the EU-25 average
Geographical Distribution of Slovenian External Trade In 1995-2006, the dispersion of Slovenia's external trade across countries increased while the share of exports to the EU-15 decreased
Indebtedness and Overindebtedness of Households Although the share of loans in GDP is still among the lowest compared with other EU countries, indebtedness in Slovenia is rising
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs