Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - March 2006


In the Spotlight 3.9% growth of GDP in line with the autumn forecast
Balance of Payments A high surplus in international trade recorded in January
Price Trends & Policy February's average inflation 0.2 p.p. below the Maastricht criterion
The Money Market - Household Savings Lower interest rates on tolar deposits
The Money Market - Loans The growth of foreign currency loans eased off in February
Labour Market Higher ILO unemployment in Q4 of 2005 matched by high inclusion in activity
Earnings January's drop in gross wages in the private sector smaller than usual
Manufacturing The level of business climate reflects strong production growth in the first half of the year
Distributive Trades Distributive trades recorded a high rise in value added in 2005
Private Consumption and Household Indebtedness The increase in household consumption in 2005 the same as the year before
Selected topics
Tourism - Foreign Exchange Receipts The surplus in exchange from tourism totalled EUR 699 m in 2005; receipts from tourism per capita were also relatively high
Education - Science and Technology Graduates The number of science and technology graduates in Slovenia rising at a slower pace than in the EU
Life Satisfaction Life satisfaction in Slovenia is low compared to other European countries but nevertheless improving
Social Protection Expenditure Expenditure on illness and health care rose in both Slovenia and the EU-15 in 1996-2003
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs