Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - March 2005


In the Spotlight Average inflation, which is also used in the calculation of the Maastricht criterion, continued to slow down gradually in the first quarter
Development Report Slovenia's development thus far has been positive but decidedly too slow
External Debt The most extensive borrowing in 2004 was seen in the banking sector
Price Trends After the rises seen in 2004, industrial producer price growth slowed down in the first two months of the year
Monetary Developments Key monetary policy orientations remained unchanged in the first quarter
The Money Market -Savings Tolar indexation clause appreciably reduced long-term deposit interest rates
The Money Market - Loans Tolar loans were taken out only by households in February
Labour Market A new methodology of collecting data on people in formal employment
General Government Expenditures General government expenditure recorded a 5% real rise in 2004
Agriculture & Food Processing - Prices On average, food prices in CPI increased in 2004 despite lower producer prices of agricultural products and abolished customs duties on imports of agro-food products from the EU
Tourism Italian guests replace German tourists at the top by the number of overnight stays in 2004
Transport & Communications Strong growth of road and maritime freight transport recorded in 2004
Private Consumption Last year saw a 3.5% real increase in private consumption
Selected topics
Solvency The number of insolvent legal entities rose in 2004
Labour Market Flexibility Slovenia's gap in the spread of flexible forms of employment due to low share of part-time employment
Ownership Consolidation in Slovenian Companies, 1999-2004 Growing concentration of company ownership in the hands of largest shareholders
Employee Involvement in a European Company Slovenia is late in transposing the Regulation on the Statute for a European Company (SE) and the Directive on the involvement of employees in SE to its national legislation
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