Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - March 2004


In the Spotlight 2003 saw the lowest GDP growth after 1993; business expectations for this year are optimistic, but still precarious; March's inflation increased due to seasonal factors and oil prices, while long-term inflation indicators continued to fall
Competitiveness Slovenia's market share increased in 2003 despite lower price and cost competitiveness
Balance of Payments January saw a low volume of merchandise trade
Price Trends The annual inflation dropped by 1.0 percentage point in the first two months
Monetary Developments The BS cut its interest rates by 0.5 of a percentage point in the first two months
The Money Market -Savings Interest rates on short-term deposits higher than those on long-term deposits
The Money Market - Loans Only short-term loans recorded a rise in January
Labour Market Seasonal falls recorded in January's employment and February's unemployment
Earnings The wage trend reversed in January compared to November and December
General Government Revenue A seasonal fall seen in February's general government revenue
Agriculture & Food-Processing Industry - Prices The gap between agricultural producer prices and food prices in the consumer price index increased again in 2003
Agriculture & Food-Processing Industry - International Trade Low crops and greater liberalisation of international trade increased the trade deficit
Selected topics
Equal Opportunities Policy - Employment Relationships Act The Employment Relationships Act introduces a number of new provisions concerning gender equality
Strikes in 1998-2002 The government should implement the ILO resolution on strike statistics by setting up a reliable database on strikes and other industrial actions
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs