Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror


In the Spotlight The labour market is responding to the high 7.2% economic growth
International Environment Favourable GDP growth rates expected in the countries of former Yugoslavia this year
Balance of Payments - Current Account Higher current account deficit in the first quarter due to higher deficit in factor incomes
Balance of Payments - Capital & Financial Account Higher capital inflow in Q1 due to BS' entry to the Eurosystem
Price Trends & Policy Dynamics of food prices in Slovenia consistent with corresponding trends in Europe
Money Market - Household Savings Faster growth of time deposits in 2007
Money Market - Loans Exceptionally high lending activity of Slovenian banks in April
Labour Market Employment is still rising while the registered unemployment rate is declining
Earnings Nominal drop in private sector wages caused by the shorter working month
Manufacturing High contribution of metal industry to the growth of manufacturing
Distributive Trades Value added growth strengthened further in the first quarter
Tourism Strong performance of tourism continues this year
Private Consumption & Household Indebtedness Real growth of consumption still moderate
Selected topics
Youth in Secondary Schools by Type of Education Programme The percentage of youth enrolled in grammar school is still increasing
Youth in Secondary Schools by Field of Study The structure of youth enrolled in secondary schools by field of study is not adjusted to the needs of the labour market
Greenhouse Gas Emissions The increase in GHG emissions is relatively high in Slovenia in comparison with both GDP growth and level of development
Risk of Poverty and Income Inequality The at-risk-of-poverty rate and income inequality remain low after the changeover to a new methodology
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs