Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - June 2006


In the Spotlight Exports and investment boosted economic growth in Q1
Competitiveness A strong improvement in cost competitiveness in Q1
Competitiveness - Market Shares The marginal year-on-year drop in the aggregate market share largely caused by last year's dynamics
Balance of Payments After the substantial strengthening in Q1 the growth of trade in goods and services slowed down in April
Price Trends & Policy May's inflation mainly induced by more expensive oil and food
Money Market - Loans Only a minor share of the net loans given to households is used for consumption
Money Market - Household Savings Negative trends in the global capital markets slashed the returns of mutual funds
General Government Revenue and Expenditure General government revenue rose faster than expenditure in Q1
Labour Market Employment in Q1 higher than last year while the ILO unemployment rate remains unchanged
Earnings Earnings in the private sector dropped in April over March while remaining at the March level in the public sector
Manufacturing Companies show optimism at the beginning of summer
Private Consumption and Household Indebtedness Consumption growth in Q1 persists at last year's level
Selected topics
Trust in Other People Trust in other people is low in Slovenia
Regions - Personal Income Tax Base per Capita Relatively small regional differences in the personal income tax base per capita
Adults Participating in Education The participation rates in lifelong learning in Slovenia are higher than in the EU-25 and rising in all age groups
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs