Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - July 2006


In the Spotlight Economic trends remain favourable
Balance of Payments The current account deficit narrowed by almost 50% in the five months to May over the same period of 2005
Price Trends & Policy Half of six-month inflation was generated by price rises in liquid fuels
Money Market - Loans Robust borrowing from abroad in May
Money Market - Household Savings Developments on global capital markets strongly affected net inflows in mutual funds
Stock Exchange Quarterly growth of SBI20 at the highest level since Q3 of 2002
General Government Revenue Higher general government revenue mainly underpinned by corporate income tax inflows; revenue from payroll tax dropped
Labour Market Relatively strong growth of formal employment continued in May
Earnings Minimum wage for 2006 and 2007 fixed
Manufacturing Robust growth of production in May
Energy Sector Electricity prices not much below the EU average
Transport Road freight transport recorded strongest growth among transport activities
Distributive Trades Substantial growth of value added in Q1
Selected topics

Food Prices in Slovenia
January 2001-June 2006

Food prices have oscillated around the 2003 average level since Slovenia joined the EU; in the last two quarters mainly saw price rises in non-seasonal foods
Enterprises in the 2003-2005 Period Most new jobs opened in micro and small enterprises
Education - Adults in Secondary Schools The number of adults in secondary schools rose by 11.7% from 1999 to 2004
Ratio of Students to Teaching Staff - International Comparison Slovenia's ratio is much poorer than both the average ratio of the OECD countries and the ratios of most EU countries
Regions - Development Deficiency Index, 2007-2013 Improved development deficiency index is one of the criteria used in allocating regional incentives
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs