Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - July 2005


In the Spotlight May recorded a pick-up in construction and manufacturing; favourable trends in international trade and employment
Balance of Payments The relatively strong growth of exports continued in May
Price Trends and Policy Average (HICP) inflation declined by 1.5 p.p. in the first year of Slovenia's membership in the exchange rate mechanism ERM II and totalled 3.0% in June
Monetary Developments and Policy Excess supply of foreign exchange is on a gradual increase this year
The Money Market -Savings June's real growth of deposits exceeded 1% for the first time this year
The Money Market - Loans The share of foreign currency loans to enterprises and OFO exceeded 50%
Stock Exchange The SBI20 index value down by almost 10%
General Government Revenue General government revenue recorded a 2.7% real increase in the first half year
Labour Market Employment is still growing, particularly in construction; unemployment is falling
Manufacturing A gradual recovery of manufacturing's production activity
Transport Road freight transport by far the largest transport activity in 2004
Energy Sector Shortfalls in hydro-electric energy continue in the second quarter
Selected topics
Slovenian Enterprises in 2004 Medium-sized enterprises recorded the highest growth in the number of employees, operating revenues and value added per employee last year
Commercial Companies Exporters' performance improved further in 2004
Technology Intensity - Commercial Companies The share of high-tech industries in manufacturing's value added rose in the 2002-2004 period
Tertiary Education The repeated reform of higher education introduces a new structure of studies
Slovenia's World Competitiveness by IMD 2005 Within the four competitiveness factors, Slovenia has failed to improve its weaknesses while having deteriorated its advantages from last year
Regions 2005 - Selected Regional Socio-Economic Indicators A new working paper on regional topics released in July
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs