Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - January 2007


In the Spotlight Favourable economic conditions resulted in higher employment - employment growth was above expectations
International Environment Favourable economic developments in new EU member states and Russia
Balance of Payments More than half of the increase in the current account deficit caused by the significantly higher deficit in factor incomes
Price Trends & Policy Price stability in 2006 was underpinned by the continued application of co-ordinated economic policies by the government and the Bank of Slovenia
Money Market - Loans Households took out tolar loans to pay off foreign currency loans in December
Money Market - Household Savings Payments of the 13th month's pay and the euro changeover resulted in a somewhat higher growth of household deposits in banks
Stock Exchange 2006 saw the second highest growth of the SBI20 index so far
General Government Revenues in 2006 Corporate income tax assessments strengthened general government revenue in 2006; payroll tax cuts produced the first effects on lowering the labour costs
Labour Market The ratio of the unemployed to the available vacancies is improving, albeit in favour of the less educated
Earnings November's wages included the bulk of the 13th month's payments in the private sector
Manufacturing Following an extended period of accelerated industrial production employment also started to recover at the end of 2006
Transport Road freight transport declined in Q3 of 2006 after several years of robust growth
Energy Sector Electricity consumption will exceed domestic production increasingly often in future
Selected topics
Movements of Market-determined and Administered Prices in 2006 Adjustments of administered prices in 2006 were in line with government guidelines
Available and Allocated Assets of Households and Possession of Durable Goods Households spend an increasingly smaller share of their expenses on basic life necessities and an increasingly higher share on luxury goods and services
Population of Slovenia, 2005-2006 The population of Slovenia is increasing mainly as a result of the rising net migration
Slovenia's Global Competitiveness by WEF, 2006-2007 Among 125 countries, Slovenia was ranked 33rd on the global competitiveness index and 36th of the business competitiveness index
Public Finance Flows between Slovenia and the EU In 2006, Slovenia was again a net recipient of EU funds
Tourism - Travels of Residents 57% of Slovenians aged 15 or over went on a tourist trip in Q3 of 2006
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs