Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - January 2005


In the Spotlight Economic trends at the end of 2004 in line with expectations in Slovenia and in the EU
Balance of Payments Exports growth to the EU was the largest contributor to total growth of goods exports
Price Trends After the 0.3% price drop in December, year-on-year inflation in 2004 totalled 3.2%
Monetary Developments Stabilisation of the tolar at the end of June 2004 was a key contributor to the slowdown of inflation
The Money Market -Savings December recorded a 4.8% rise in savings
The Money Market - Loans Household indebtedness the main source of growth in the volume of tolar loans
Stock Exchange Tax reform boosts turnover on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange
Labour Market In 2004, registered unemployment fell by 5% on average compared to 2003
Earnings Payments of '13th month' salaries caused the high November's wage growth in the private sector
General Government Revenue 3.2% real growth of general government revenue recorded in 2004
Manufacturing Production activity sustains a high level
Energy Sector Robust production growth and modest growth of electricity consumption in 2004
Selected topics
Social Assistance Increasing numbers of recipients with higher levels of education, bigger share of young people
Slovenia's 2004 Global Competitiveness by WEF Improved competitiveness of institutions and business environment, technology index slips
Comparison of Slovenian and European enterprises in 2003 Slovenian micro enterprises closest to the European average by value added per employee
Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices HICP ensures comparable measurement of price changes across EU states
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs