Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - February 2006


In the Spotlight Despite a favourable economic situation unemployment increased in Q4 of 2005
Balance of Payments - Current Account The current account deficit narrowed in 2005 in spite of the deteriorated terms of trade
Balance of Payments - Capital & Financial Account A considerable strengthening in the financial flows of the private sector in 2005
Trade in Services The services trade surplus rose by EUR 206.8 m year on year in 2005
Competitiveness Cost and price competitiveness improved in the final quarter of 2005
Price Trends & Policy January's deflation underpinned by seasonal factors
The Money Market - Household Savings The number of mutual funds managed by domestic administrators continues to grow rapidly
The Money Market - Loans 25% year-on-year real growth of bank loans to the non-economic sector
Labour Market The average and end-year registered unemployment rate in 2005 totalled 10.2% while formal employment rose by 0.7%
Labour Market - Vacancies and People Hired in 2005 The number of vacancies and people hired increased strongly in 2005, notably in mainly market-oriented services
Earnings After the robust growth of wages in November due to disbursements of 13th month's pay there was an expected drop in earnings in December
Manufacturing The automobile and metal industries contributed the largest shares to the 3.5% manufacturing's production growth in 2005
Construction Residential construction picked up most markedly in 2005
Selected topics
Regional Gross Domestic Product Regional differences in GDP per capita increased slightly but remained smaller than in most EU member states
Prices of Telecommunication Services Relatively high rises in telecommunication services prices observed until 2002 while in future any substantial price adjustments in fixed telephony are unlikely
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs