Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - February 2005


In the Spotlight The slowdown in long-term inflationary indicators continues at the beginning of 2005
Balance of Payments - Current Account After accession to the EU, goods exports fell especially to BiH and Macedonia, while trade in goods with the EU-25 picked up
Balance of Payments - Capital and Financial Account Capital exports in the form of investments in foreign securities recorded the biggest increase
Competitiveness Deterioration seen in the final quarter of 2004 largely due to the weak US dollar
Competitiveness - year 2004 Deterioration in 2004 was less pronounced thanks to the decelerated growth of relative prices and costs
Trade in Services A record surplus in the trade in services
Price Trends Gradual easing of inflation continued at the beginning of the year
Monetary Developments The Bank of Slovenia kept the tolar's exchange rate stable at the beginning of the year
The Money Market -Savings Mutual funds' monthly returns much lower than the growth of the main index on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange
The Money Market - Loans Record monthly net flows of foreign currency loans to enterprises and OFOs
Labour Market December saw a seasonal drop in employment, unemployment up in January
Earnings A nominal drop in the gross wage recorded in December, especially in the private sector
General Government Revenue General government revenue lower in January, as usually at the turn of the year
Manufacturing High-technology export-oriented industries achieve the highest growth
Construction Total floor space of buildings planned in the issued building permits in 2004 was highest in six years
Selected topics
Equal Opportunities Policy - Act Implementing the Principle of Equal Treatment A general systemic law prohibiting discrimination on grounds of any personal circumstance has been in force since May 2004
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs