Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - December 2006


In the Spotlight Foreign demand and robust investment activity are the main factors of Slovenia's high economic growth; inflation persisted at the level of 2005
Social Overview 2006 Social conditions are relatively favourable but there are some important development problems and challenges that should not be overlooked
International Environment -Slovenia's Main Trading Partners in the EU Economic growth in Slovenia's main trading partners increased appreciably in 2006; a deceleration expected in 2007
Competitiveness Q3 of 2006 saw a substantial improvement in cost competitiveness
Competitiveness - Market Shares Growth of Slovenia's aggregate market share strengthened in the first nine months of 2006
Balance of Payments External trade continues to grow strongly
Price Trends & Policy November's price increase due to seasonal factors
Money Market - Loans Household tolar borrowing picked up in November
Money Market - Savings Overnight deposits gave a boost to household savings in banks
Labour Market Favourable trends in the labour market continue
Earnings Wages rose in October in both the private sector and public services
Manufacturing Almost 90% of manufacturing's total growth generated from January to October 2006 was created by four fastest growing sub-industries
Private Consumption & Household Indebtedness Private consumption up 3.5% in Q3
Distributive Trades Strong growth of value added in Q3
Tourism Foreign exchange receipts from tourism dwindled in the first nine months of 2006
Selected topics
Sales Capacities in Retail Trade The average retail shop's sales area continues to expand
Slovenia's Ranking on the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Index, 2005-2006 Slovenia's low ranking due to the country's rigid institutional environment and the methodology applied
Methodological Changes in Measuring Price and Cost Competitiveness The changed methodology has a relatively small effect on the dynamics of the effective exchange rate
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs