Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - December 2005


In the Spotlight 4.0% real growth of GDP recorded in Q1-Q3; average inflation in 2005 totalled 2.5%
Balance of Payments Expected softening of export growth
Price Trends & Policy Inflation converged with the Maastricht criterion in November
Monetary Developments & Policy The Bank of Slovenia's refinancing rate 0.25 p. p. higher
The Money Market - Household Savings Assets in mutual funds managed by domestic administrators topped SIT 300 bn
The Money Market - Loans Record borrowing of foreign currency in November
Labour Market Higher survey unemployment in the third quarter
Earnings Dynamics of gross wages consistent with the economic environment
Private Consumption 3.3% year-on-year growth of private consumption in Q3
Manufacturing Car and metal industries record highest growth
Real Estate, Renting and Business Services Slovenia lags behind the European average by the share of business services but the gap has narrowed over the last few years
Selected topics
Slovenia's Global Competitiveness by WEF 2005-2006 Slovenia's ranking according to the business competitiveness index dropped while its ranking by the growth competitiveness index improved despite the fall in its value; managers critical about the state of public institutions and technology
Available and Allocated Assets of Households Available assets of households rose by 16.8% in 1997-2003 while their allocated assets growth was 3 percentage points lower
Small Sole Proprietorships Improved performance of small sole proprietorships in 2004
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs