Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - December 2003


In the Spotlight The latest data show the anticipated economic recovery in the last quarter of 2003
Balance of Payments October saw a surplus in the trade balance
Price Trends The rise in consumer prices slowed down in the last quarter of 2003
Monetary Developments The Bank of Slovenia made a final purchase of EUR 300 million in November as part of the process of entering the ERM2, thereby reducing the stock of swaps
The Money Market -Savings Tolar savings fell by a total of 0.6% in real terms in September and October
The Money Market - Loans October's 1.8% real rise in tolar loans was the highest since June 1999
Labour Market Employment increased in October, while the number of registered unemployed dropped in November
Earnings Gross wages rose faster in the private sector owing to increased overtime work and '13th month's' pay
General Government Revenue Real growth in revenue was favourable in the first eleven months
Manufacturing Production in manufacturing continued to recover in November
Distributive Trades Growth in value added continued to strengthen in the third quarter of 2003
Selected topics
Trade in Services - Market Shares Slovenia's trade in services saw the weakest growth out of all candidate countries
Membership in Employers' Organisations Some Chambers must gradually pass on representation of employers in collective bargaining to employers' associations with voluntary membership
Data, Main Indicators, Graphs, International Comparisons