Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - August-September 2006


In the Spotlight Strong GDP growth in the first half of the year reflects the robust growth of exports and gross fixed capital formation
Autumn Forecasts of Economic Trends 2006 The autumn forecast makes upward revisions to the spring projections of GDP growth and inflation for 2006-2008
Competitiveness Manufacturing's cost competitiveness continues to improve
Balance of Payments The current account deficit rose despite the higher surplus in external trade
Trade in Services Trade in services recorded a record-high surplus again
Price Trends & Policy August's inflation resulted from price rises in liquid fuels, food, package holidays and electricity
Money Market - Loans Data for July and August suggest a slowdown in lending activity
Money Market - Savings Converging interest rates and early exchange of tolars to euros boost the growth of foreign currency savings
Labour Market The labour market experienced the usual seasonal dynamics with employment being much higher than a year ago
Earnings July's gross wages dropped due to lower gross earnings in the private sector
Manufacturing Economic activity remained strong in Q3
Construction An increase in civil engineering construction
Private Consumption and Household Indebtedness Private consumption rose by 3.4% in the first half of the year
Distributive Trades Strong growth of value added also in Q2
Tourism Italians made most overnight stays in Slovenia while Germans' overnight stays continue to decline
Selected topics
Education - Scholarships in Tertiary Education The number of scholarship recipients rose in 2000-2005 while the share of recipients to total students dropped
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs