Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - August-September 2005


In the Spotlight The Maastricht criterion still within reach despite September's leap in inflation
Autumn Forecasts & Economic Trends The autumn forecast of economic trends largely validates the expectations of the spring forecast
Balance of Payments International trade was the main driver of economic growth in the first half of the year
Trade in Services Trade in services recorded a high surplus once again
Price Trends & Policy A further decline in inflation in the summer months
Monetary Developments & Policy The Bank of Slovenia continues to keep the tolar's exchange rate stable
The Money Market -Savings Growth of household savings at its lowest level so far
The Money Market - Loans Household indebtedness additionally boosted by seasonal impacts
Labour Market Summer's seasonal drop in employment and rise in unemployment
Earnings Methodological changes impact on the level of wages
Manufacturing The pick-up in industrial production mainly generated by the automotive and metal industries
Construction Increased construction activity in the second quarter
Private Consumption Private consumption up 3.5% in the first six months of the year
Selected topics
Human Development Index Slovenia joins the group of countries with an HDI above 0.90 for the first time
The Ecological Footprint The spending of natural resources at a relatively low level in Slovenia
Professional Staff at Tertiary Education Institutions The ratio between the number of students and professional staff in tertiary education is not improving
Commercial Companies The number of companies in private ownership up the most in 2004
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs