Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - April 2008


In the SpotlightSlowdown of economic activity in line with expectations
International EnvironmentIn their spring forecasts, as expected, the European Commission and the IMF revised downwards their projections of economic growth in our main trading partners
Balance of PaymentsThe current account deficit increased; higher net capital inflow largely due to the issue of the benchmark government bond
Price Trends & PolicyGrowth of prices increased in most price index groups
Money Market – Household SavingsHigh growth of sight deposits in banks
Money Market – LoansGrowth of loan volumes below 2% for the second consecutive month
Stock ExchangeSignificant decline in indices on most capital markets
General Government RevenueFavourable real growth of general government revenue in the first three months
Labour MarketGrowth of employment and decline in unemployment continue
EarningsHigher growth of public sector wages in February owing to the adjustment to last year’s higher inflation
ManufacturingProduction growth rebounded in February after three months of modest growth
TransportHigh growth of road freight transport and air and airport passenger transport in 2007 against the background of strengthening in the final quarter
Energy SectorIncreased international trade and net electricity exports in the first quarter

Selected topics

Greenhouse Gas EmissionsAdditional measures for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions will be necessary to reach the Kyoto targets
Regional Disparities in GDP Per Capita in Purchasing Power Parities in the EUMember states more successful in narrowing the development gap with the European average and less in decreasing intra-state disparities 
Business Entities 2007 saw the strongest growth in the number of economic entities in the last four years
Solvency of Business EntitiesLast year, the number of insolvent legal entities smaller than in 2006