Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - April 2007


In the Spotlight Favourable macroeconomic trends continue in the first months of the year; the first effects of the tax reform are already visible
Spring Forecast of Economic Trends 2007 Economic growth in 2007-2009 projected above 4%, inflation around 2.5%
International Environment High forecasts of global GDP growth despite the slowdown in the USA; continuation of last year's favourable trends in Germany despite the VAT rise
Competitiveness - Market Shares In 2006, the aggregate market share continued to increase for the sixth consecutive year
Balance of Payments The deficit in merchandise trade widened in the first two months of 2007
Price Trends & Policy Core inflation indicators confirm price stability in Slovenia
Money Market - Household Savings High net inflows into mutual funds
Money Market - Loans The year-on-year growth of consumer loans is easing off
Stock Exchange The rise in indexes on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange strengthened further
General Government Revenue The first effects of the changed tax legislation visible after three months
Labour Market Favourable trends in the labour market continue
Earnings February's gross wages declined after the relatively high increase in January
Manufacturing The positive developments in manufacturing are also reflected in employment
Energy Sector Electricity consumption decreased at the year-on-year level due to the mild winter
Transport The growth of international road freight transport was again very high last year
Trade in Agro-Food Products The fastest growth in the last few years; exports rose faster than imports
Selected topics
Agriculture - Forecasting the Changes in Value Added Calculations indicate a decline in the overall value added of ten analysed products
Labour Market - Employment of Foreigners in Slovenia Higher employment of foreigners continues in 2007
International Student Mobility The number of Slovenian students studying abroad is rising but lagging behind the growth of the total number of students
Structural Changes in Network Industries - Effects of Liberalisation The first effects of liberalisation already visible in lower prices and higher efficiency; a number of factors still hinder faster development of competition
Life Satisfaction Compared with other EU countries, Slovenians' satisfaction with the quality of life is above-average, especially with leisure time facilities, local schools, and childcare facilities
Health Expenditure by Functions of Health Care First international comparisons of health expenditure by function
Total Expenditure on Long-term Care Total long-term care expenditure in Slovenia in 2004 estimated at 1.13% GDP
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs