Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - April 2006


In the Spotlight - Spring Forecasts and Current Economic Trends Favourable impact of increased investment activity and trends in the international environment on economic growth in 2006
International Environment - Economic Trends in the EMU GDP growth in the euro area projected to step up in 2006
Balance of Payments Substantial narrowing of the deficit in current transactions
Price Trends & Policy Inflation in March driven almost entirely by price rises of clothing and footwear
The Money Market - Household Savings The biggest drop of tolar household deposits in twelve months
The Money Market - Loans The highest net flows of loans to the non-banking sector since 1991
Stock Exchange Indices on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange fell in Q1
General Government Revenue Moderate growth of general government revenue in the first three months
Labour Market Registered unemployment in March was lower than a year ago
Labour Market - Structure of Employment by Activity Slovenia has one of the lowest shares of people employed in the service sector in the EU
Earnings The nominal drop in gross wages mainly due to the shorter working month
Manufacturing Strong production growth stimulated by the international environment
Transport In 2005 road freight transport again recorded robust growth
Energy Sector Robust growth in international trade of electricity
Selected topics
Trust in Institutions Low trust in political parties, the National Assembly, the church and clergy in Slovenia
Economic Subjects The number of individual private entrepreneurs surged in 2005
Agriculture and Food-Processing Industry - International Trade 2005 saw rises in both exports and imports; increased trade with the EU countries
Data, Main Indicators, International Comparisons, Graphs