Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror - April 2005


In the Spotlight - Spring Forecast Compared to autumn forecasts, spring forecast of economic growth for 2005 remains unchanged; a slight upward revision of the 2006 forecast; lower inflation forecasts for both years
Balance of Payments Continued high growth of trade in goods and services recorded at the beginning of the year
Price Trends The gap between average inflation in Slovenia and the EU narrowed by 0.3 p.p. in the first three months of the year
Monetary Developments The Bank of Slovenia's Board of Governors raised the price of temporary foreign exchange purchases by 0.25 p.p. in April
The Money Market -Savings Low inflows into mutual funds
The Money Market - Loans High growth rates of foreign currency loans to households, enterprises and OFO
Stock Exchange Lower prices of shares on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange
Labour Market Usual seasonal trends in employment and unemployment
General Government Revenues The first three months registered modest real growth of general government revenue (1.6%)
Manufacturing Business climate is deteriorating
Energy Sector 2005 began with net electricity imports due to the low hydro-electric output
Selected topics
Economy subjects More economy subjects in 2004 than in the previous four years
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