Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror

Slovenian Economic Mirror 7/2020

Euro area economic activity increased notably in the third quarter and even exceeded the expectations of international institutions. After a sharp decline in economic activity in the second quarter due to the COVID-19 epidemic and the related containment measures, GDP growth increased in the third quarter. This was to a great extent due to the comprehensive packages of measures adopted at the national, EU and ECB levels, which were, among other things, also oriented towards ensuring liquidity and helping the economy to recover. In July and August, the euro area thus recorded a recovery of most sectors. The indicators of economic activity in Slovenia have improved markedly since May and indicate a strong rebound in the third quarter, but in August and September the recovery already slowed considerably in most sectors. The outbreak of the epidemic had a significant impact on the performance of companies and their solvency in the first nine months. The consequences of the epidemic were felt in almost all activities, particularly in those that were hardest hit by the crisis and found it most difficult to adapt quickly to the current situation (service activities, accommodation and food service activities, transportation, construction, and arts, entertainment and recreation). The available indicators of labour market developments did not deteriorate further in the third quarter, which was to a great extent due to the recovery of economic activity in the summer months and the extension of job retention measures. The impact of the epidemic on this year’s public finance developments remains significant despite the improvement in the third quarter. In October, deflation continued but declined somewhat in comparison with previous months. With the tightening of the epidemiological situation in September and October, confidence indicators indicate uncertainty about further recovery. According to the most recent confidence indicators, the economic recovery in the euro area is losing momentum at the beginning of the last quarter. Similar is also true for Slovenia, where economic sentiment deteriorated in October after several months of improvement. The renewed declaration of the epidemic is expected to have greater consequences particularly for the service sector, but the economic consequences of the renewed spread of the epidemic and the related restrictions on business operations could be less intense than in the spring.

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