

Fiscal policy and demographic change – experiences of various countries

Discussion with domestic and foreign experts: 22 June 2016, Ljubljana (Hotel Union)

The main task of fiscal policy in Slovenia in recent years and in the future is fiscal consolidation, which should contribute to the elimination of the structural imbalances accumulated. One of the key challenges in Slovenia is an ageing population. Although Slovenia has one of the fastest ageing populations in the EU, its social security systems have not yet been sufficiently adapted to these trends. This was also pointed out by the European Commission in one of its recommendations for Slovenia within the European Semester.

In cooperation with the European Commission Representation in Slovenia, the Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development therefore organised a discussion with domestic and foreign experts to exchange views on how to efficiently deal with demographic change, also in the light of fiscal limitations.

The discussion was divided into two parts:

In the first part Mr Boštjan Vasle, Director IMAD, presented the state of fiscal policy in Slovenia and the key challenges for fiscal consolidation.

In the second part we overviewed simulations of selected measures for dealing with the ageing population (Mr Aleš Delakorda, IMAD) and addressed the main challenges of an ageing society in Slovenia and abroad. With Mr Boris Majcen we discussed how demographic changes are addressed in Slovenia. German experience was presented by Mr Werner Ebert (Ministry of Finance, Germany), while Mrs Anda Patarau (European Commission) outlined the measures taken in EU Member States.


Aleš Delakorda, IMAD

Werner Ebert, Ministry of Finance, Germany

Anda Patarau, European Commission

Boris Majcen, IER

Programme: Fiscal policy and demographic change – experiences of various countries