Forecasts of Economic Trends
IMAD's forecasts represent background documents used by Slovenia's government in preparing economic policy measures and drafting the state budget. They include analyses and forecasts for the current year and the following two years. They are released twice a year, in March and September. In the event of extraordinary events in Slovenia or abroad, interim forecasts are prepared.
Spring Forecast of Economic Trends 2017
The Spring Forecast envisages GDP growth strengthening to 3.6% this year and then hovering around 3% in 2018 and 2019. Favourable labour market trends will persist, but towards the end of the forecasting period they will be increasingly characterised by demographic change. After last year’s strongest growth of the average wage in five years, we expect its further strengthening in 2017–2019.…
Autumn Forecast of Economic Trends 2016
The autumn forecast for GDP growth in 2016 and the two years that follow envisages a continuation of favourable economic trends; GDP growth dynamics will be marked primarily by government investment related to the absorption of EU funds. Favourable labour market trends will persist, but they will be increasingly characterised by demographic change. The key risks to the central scenario of IMAD’s…