IB Revija

IB Revija

Contents of issue No. 4, Vol. XXXVIII, 2004

Bojan Radej
Sustainable Treatment of Economic Multifunctionality

Anton Komat
The Triplet Encoding the Modern World

Iztok Ostan
Knowledge and Class Structure as Factors of Sustainable Development in Slovenia

Marjan Ravbar
Settlement Networks in Slovenia: Tendencies, Developmental Dilemmas and Possible Scenarios

Branka Hlad, Renata Slabe Erker
Economic Development and Preservation of Biotic Diversity

Art Kovačič
Challenges to Slovenian Sustainable Competitiveness after EU Accession

Miroslav Verbič
Revealed Preference Approach to the Economic Valuation of Spatial Values and Natural and Cultural Heritage: Analysis of Assumptions and Use of Econometric Techniques

Matej Matija Grobelšek
The Private Sector is Not a Panacea for the Restructuring of Water Provision Services

Tjaša Bole
Sustainable Development and Genuine Savings

Aleksandra Murks
Emissions Trading and Implementing the Kyoto Protocol

Renata Slabe Erker, Bojan Radej
Experimental Identification of Environmental Implementational Deficit in Slovenia with the World Economic Forum's Environmental Sustainability Index

Janez Filiplič
Environmental Regulation and National Competitiveness

The Forum (by Bojan Radej)
Juan Martinez-Alier in Klaus Schlüpmann, Introduction to Ecological Economics: Energy, Environment and Society

Richard B. Norgaard, The case of Methodological Pluralism

Smith Gerald Alonzo, The Teleological View of Wealth: A Historical Perspective

Dung Tran Huu, Consumption, Production and Technological Progress: A Unified Entropic Approach